Application API

This API provides a way to launch other applications and access application management.

The ApplicationManager interface also provides methods to launch other applications explicitly and implicitly through the ApplicationControl interface. The ApplicationControl interface consists of an operation, URI, and MIME type and also describes an action to be performed by other applications and can carry the result from the subsequent application. The ApplicationManager interface also provides methods to handle the application lifecycle, to access the installed applications on the device, and to let an application be notified of a change in the application list.

The Application interface defines the current application’s information and the basic operations for the current application such as exit or hide.

Since Tizen 2.4 the Application interface provides application event broadcasting and listening features. An application can broadcast user events to other listening applications and listen to broadcasted user events from other applications. In a future Tizen release, applications will also be able to receive pre-defined system events from the platform.

For more information on the Application features, see Application Guide.

Since: 1.0

Table of Contents

Summary of Interfaces and Methods

Interface Method
void kill (ApplicationContextId contextId, optional SuccessCallback? successCallback, optional ErrorCallback? errorCallback)
void launch (ApplicationId id, optional SuccessCallback? successCallback, optional ErrorCallback? errorCallback)
void launchAppControl (ApplicationControl appControl, optional ApplicationId? id, optional SuccessCallback? successCallback, optional ErrorCallback? errorCallback, optional ApplicationControlDataArrayReplyCallback? replyCallback)
void findAppControl (ApplicationControl appControl, FindAppControlSuccessCallback successCallback, optional ErrorCallback? errorCallback)
void getAppsContext (ApplicationContextArraySuccessCallback successCallback, optional ErrorCallback? errorCallback)
void getAppsInfo (ApplicationInformationArraySuccessCallback successCallback, optional ErrorCallback? errorCallback)
DOMString getAppSharedURI (optional ApplicationId? id)
void removeAppInfoEventListener (long watchId)
void exit ()
void hide ()
void removeEventListener (long watchId)
void replyResult (optional ApplicationControlData[]? data)
void replyFailure ()
void onsuccess (ApplicationInformation[] informationArray)
void onsuccess (ApplicationInformation[] informationArray, ApplicationControl appControl)
void onsuccess (ApplicationContext[] contexts)
void onsuccess (optional ApplicationControlData[]? data)
void onfailure ()
void onevent (EventInfo event, EventData data)

1. Type Definitions

1.1. ApplicationId

The unique ID for an installed application.
  typedef DOMString ApplicationId;

Since: 1.0

1.2. ApplicationContextId

The unique ID for a running application.
  typedef DOMString ApplicationContextId;

Since: 1.0

1.3. UserEventData

Specifies the user event data.
  typedef object UserEventData;

Since: 2.4

1.4. EventData

Specifies the user or system defined event data.
  typedef (SystemEventData or UserEventData) EventData;

Since: 2.4

1.5. ApplicationControlLaunchMode

Specifies the application launch mode when it is launched by launchAppControl(). This value may be overriden if application launched by launchAppControl() has value SINGLE configured in application manifest.
  enum ApplicationControlLaunchMode { "SINGLE", "GROUP" };

Since: 2.4

The launch modes defined by this enumerator are:

  • SINGLE – Launch application as standalone instance
  • GROUP – Launch application in subgroup

2. Interfaces

2.1. ApplicationManagerObject

This interface defines what is instantiated by Tizen object on Tizen Platform.
  [NoInterfaceObject] interface ApplicationManagerObject {
    readonly attribute ApplicationManager application;
  Tizen implements ApplicationManagerObject;

Since: 2.0

Tizen.application object allows access to the Application API’s functionality.

2.2. ApplicationManager

The ApplicationManager interface provides methods to retrieve application information, launch, install application, etc.
  [NoInterfaceObject] interface ApplicationManager {

    Application getCurrentApplication() raises(WebAPIException);

    void kill(ApplicationContextId contextId,
              optional SuccessCallback? successCallback,
              optional ErrorCallback? errorCallback) raises(WebAPIException);

    void launch(ApplicationId id,
                optional SuccessCallback? successCallback,
                optional ErrorCallback? errorCallback) raises(WebAPIException);

    void launchAppControl(ApplicationControl appControl,
                          optional ApplicationId? id,
                          optional SuccessCallback? successCallback,
                          optional ErrorCallback? errorCallback,
                          optional ApplicationControlDataArrayReplyCallback? replyCallback) raises(WebAPIException);

    void findAppControl(ApplicationControl appControl,
                        FindAppControlSuccessCallback successCallback,
                        optional ErrorCallback? errorCallback) raises(WebAPIException);

    void getAppsContext(ApplicationContextArraySuccessCallback successCallback,
                        optional ErrorCallback? errorCallback) raises(WebAPIException);

    ApplicationContext getAppContext(optional ApplicationContextId? contextId) raises(WebAPIException);

    void getAppsInfo(ApplicationInformationArraySuccessCallback successCallback,
                     optional ErrorCallback? errorCallback) raises(WebAPIException);

    ApplicationInformation getAppInfo(optional ApplicationId? id) raises(WebAPIException);

    ApplicationCertificate[] getAppCerts(optional ApplicationId? id) raises(WebAPIException);

    DOMString getAppSharedURI(optional ApplicationId? id) raises(WebAPIException);

    ApplicationMetaData[] getAppMetaData(optional ApplicationId? id) raises(WebAPIException);

    long addAppInfoEventListener(ApplicationInformationEventCallback eventCallback) raises(WebAPIException);

    void removeAppInfoEventListener(long watchId) raises(WebAPIException);

Since: 2.0


Gets the Application object defining the current application.
Application getCurrentApplication();

Since: 2.0

Return value:

Application The data structure that defines the current application.


  • WebAPIException
    • with error type UnknownError, if the application cannot be retrieved because of an unknown error.

Code example:

 var app = tizen.application.getCurrentApplication();
 console.log("Current application's app id is " +;

Kills an application with the specified application context ID.
void kill(ApplicationContextId contextId, optional SuccessCallback? successCallback, optional ErrorCallback? errorCallback);

Since: 2.0

The ErrorCallback method is launched with these error types:

  • NotFoundError – If the context is not found with the specified context ID.
  • InvalidValuesError – If any of the input parameters contain an invalid value or if the specified context ID matches the context ID of the calling application.
  • UnknownError – If any other error occurs.

Privilege level: partner



  • contextId: The identifier of the application to kill
  • successCallback [optional] [nullable]: The method to invoke when an application is killed successfully
  • errorCallback [optional] [nullable]: The method to invoke when an error occurs


  • WebAPIException
    • with error type TypeMismatchError, if any input parameter is not compatible with the expected type for that parameter.

    • with error type SecurityError, if the application does not have the privilege to call this method.

Code example:

 function onKillSuccess() {
     console.log("Application terminated successfully");

 function onRunningAppsContext(contexts) {
    // let's assume that the application "targetApp0.main" has been installed.
    var targetId = "targetApp0.main";

    for (var i = 0; i < contexts.length; i++) {
        if (contexts[i].appId == targetId) {
            tizen.application.kill(contexts[i].id, onKillSuccess);


Launches an application with the given application ID.
void launch(ApplicationId id, optional SuccessCallback? successCallback, optional ErrorCallback? errorCallback);

Since: 2.0

The ErrorCallback method is launched with these error types:

  • NotFoundError – If the application is not found with the specified ID.
  • UnknownError – If any other error occurs.

Privilege level: public



  • id: A unique string representing the application ID
  • successCallback [optional] [nullable]: The method to call when the invocation ends successfully
  • errorCallback [optional] [nullable]: The method to call when an error occurs


  • WebAPIException
    • with error type TypeMismatchError, if any input parameter is not compatible with the expected type for that parameter.

    • with error type SecurityError, if the application does not have the privilege to call this method.

Code example:

 function onsuccess() {
     console.log("The application has launched successfully");

 // let's assume that application "targetApp0.main" has been installed
 tizen.application.launch("targetApp0.main", onsuccess);

Launches an application with the specified application control.
void launchAppControl(ApplicationControl appControl, optional ApplicationId? id, optional SuccessCallback? successCallback, optional ErrorCallback? errorCallback, optional ApplicationControlDataArrayReplyCallback? replyCallback);

Since: 2.0

An application can launch other applications with the application control, and get back the results from the launched applications.

The application control consists of an operation, URI, and MIME type, and describes the request to be performed by the newly launched application. The application control is passed to the launchAppControl() method to launch an application. The system tries to find the proper application to perform the requested application control, then launches the selected application.

The application control request is passed to the newly launched application and it can be accessed by the getRequestedAppControl() method. The passed application control contains the reason the application has been launched and information about what the application is doing. The launched application can send a result to the caller application with the replyResult() method of the RequestedApplicationControl interface.

The ErrorCallback method is launched with these error types:

  • NotFoundError – If the system cannot find the application that matches the specified application control.
  • SecurityError – If the application does not have the privilege to call the specified application control operation.
  • UnknownError: If any other error occurs.

Privilege level: public



  • appControl: The data structure describing application control details
  • id [optional] [nullable]: An identifier of the application to be launched. If the ID is null or not specified, then the system tries to find the application to be launched for the requested application control
  • successCallback [optional] [nullable]: The method to call when the invocation ends successfully
  • errorCallback [optional] [nullable]: The method to invoke when an error occurs
  • replyCallback [optional] [nullable]: The method to invoke when the application gets back results from the launched application


  • WebAPIException
    • with error type TypeMismatchError, if any input parameter is not compatible with the expected type for that parameter.

    • with error type SecurityError, if the application does not have the privilege to call this method.

Code example:

 var appControl = new tizen.ApplicationControl(

 var appControlReplyCallback = {
     // callee sent a reply
     onsuccess: function(data) {
         for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
             if (data[i].key == "") {
                 console.log('Selected image is ' + data[i].value[0]);
     // callee returned failure
     onfailure: function() {
         console.log('The launch application control failed');

     function() {console.log("launch application control succeed"); },
     function(e) {console.log("launch application control failed. reason: " + e.message); },
     appControlReplyCallback );

Finds which applications can be launched with the given application control.
void findAppControl(ApplicationControl appControl, FindAppControlSuccessCallback successCallback, optional ErrorCallback? errorCallback);

Since: 2.0

An application can get a list of other applications that can be launched with the application control.

The ErrorCallback method is launched with these error types:

  • NotFoundError – If the application is not found with the given Appcontrol.
  • UnknownError – If any other error occurs.


  • appControl: A data structure describing application control details
  • successCallback: The method to call that returns a list of application information
  • errorCallback [optional] [nullable]: The method to call when an error occurs


  • WebAPIException
    • with error type TypeMismatchError, if any input parameter is not compatible with the expected type for that parameter.

Code example:

 var appControl = new tizen.ApplicationControl(

 function successCB(appInfos, appControl)
     // appControl is same object with the value passed as first parameter to findAppControl()
     var appControlReplyCallback = {
         // callee sent a reply
         onsuccess: function(data) {
             for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
                 if (data[i].key == "") {
                     console.log('Selected image is ' + data[i].value[0]);
         // callee returned failure
         onfailure: function() {
             console.log('The launch application control failed');

     var appId = appInfos[0].id; // select first app's id

         function() {console.log("launch application control succeed"); },
        function(e) {console.log("launch application control failed. reason: " + e.message); },
        appControlReplyCallback );

 tizen.application.findAppControl(appControl, successCB);

Gets a list of application contexts for applications that are currently running on a device. The information contained for each application corresponds to the application state at the time when the list had been generated.
void getAppsContext(ApplicationContextArraySuccessCallback successCallback, optional ErrorCallback? errorCallback);

Since: 2.0

The ErrorCallback method is launched with this error type:

  • UnknownError – If an unknown error occurs.


  • successCallback: The method to call when the invocation ends successfully
  • errorCallback [optional] [nullable]: The method to call when an error occurs


  • WebAPIException
    • with error type TypeMismatchError, if any input parameter is not compatible with the expected type for that parameter.

Code example:

 function onRunningAppsContext(contexts) {
     for (var i = 0; i < contexts.length; i++)
         console.log("ID : " + contexts[i].id);


Gets the application context for the specified application context ID. If the ID is set to null or is not set at all, the method returns the application context of the current application. The list of running applications and their application IDs is obtained with getAppsContext().
ApplicationContext getAppContext(optional ApplicationContextId? contextId);

Since: 2.0


  • contextId [optional] [nullable]: A string representing an application context ID
    If the ID is not provided, the application context of the calling application is returned.

Return value:

ApplicationContext A data structure that lists running application details.


  • WebAPIException
    • with error type NotFoundError, if the application context is not found with the specified ID.

    • with error type UnknownError, if the application context cannot be retrieved because of an unknown error.

Code example:

 var appContext = tizen.application.getAppContext(null);
 console.log("Application context retrieved for app " + appContext.appId);

Gets the list of installed applications’ information on a device. The information contained on each application corresponds to the application state at the time when the list had been generated.
void getAppsInfo(ApplicationInformationArraySuccessCallback successCallback, optional ErrorCallback? errorCallback);

Since: 2.0

The ErrorCallback method is launched with this error type:

  • UnknownError – If an unknown error occurs.


  • successCallback: The method to call when the invocation ends successfully
  • errorCallback [optional] [nullable]: The method to call when an error occurs


  • WebAPIException
    • with error type TypeMismatchError, if any input parameter is not compatible with the expected type for that parameter.

Code example:

 function onListInstalledApps(applications) {
     for (var i = 0; i < applications.length; i++)
         console.log("ID : " + applications[i].id);


Gets application information for a specified application ID.
ApplicationInformation getAppInfo(optional ApplicationId? id);

Since: 2.0

If the ID is set to null or not set at all, it returns application information for the current application. The list of installed applications and their application IDs is obtained with getAppsInfo().


  • id [optional] [nullable]: A string representing an application ID
    If the ID is not provided, the application information of the calling application is returned.

Return value:

ApplicationInformation The information of an application.


  • WebAPIException
    • with error type NotFoundError, if the application is not found with the specified ID.

    • with error type UnknownError, if the application cannot be retrieved because of an unknown error.

Code example:

 var appInfo = tizen.application.getAppInfo(null);
 console.log("Current application name : " +;

Gets application certificates for a specified application ID.
ApplicationCertificate[] getAppCerts(optional ApplicationId? id);

Since: 2.0

If the ID is set to null or not set at all, it returns application certificates for the current application.

The certificate types are listed below:

  • AUTHOR_ROOT – Author Root Certificate
  • AUTHOR_INTERMEDIATE – Author Intermediate Certificate
  • AUTHOR_SIGNER – Author Signer Certificate
  • DISTRIBUTOR_ROOT – Distributor Root Certificate
  • DISTRIBUTOR_INTERMEDIATE – Distributor Intermediate Certificate
  • DISTRIBUTOR_SIGNER – Distributor Signer Certificate
  • DISTRIBUTOR2_ROOT – Distributor2 Root Certificate
  • DISTRIBUTOR2_INTERMEDIATE – Distributor2 Intermediate Certificate
  • DISTRIBUTOR2_SIGNER – Distributor2 Signer Certificate

Privilege level: partner



  • id [optional] [nullable]: A string representing an application ID. If the ID is not provided, the application certificate of the calling application is returned.

Return value:

ApplicationCertificate[] Array of certificate information of a specified application


  • WebAPIException
    • with error type SecurityError, if the application does not have the privilege to call this method.

    • with error type NotFoundError, if the application is not found with the specified ID.

    • with error type UnknownError, if the application cannot be retrieved because of an unknown error.

Code example:

 var appCerts = tizen.application.getAppCerts(null);

 for (var i = 0; i < appCerts.length; i++) {
    console.log("#" + i + " type:" + appCerts[i].type);
    console.log("#" + i + " value:" + appCerts[i].value);

Gets the URI of the read-only shared directory of an application for a specified application ID.
DOMString getAppSharedURI(optional ApplicationId? id);

Since: 2.1

The shared directory is used to export data to other applications. If the ID is set to null or not set at all, it returns the shared directory URI for the current application.


  • id [optional] [nullable]: A string representing an application ID. If the ID is not provided, the shared directory URI of the calling application is returned.

Return value:

DOMString The shared directory URI of an application


  • WebAPIException
    • with error type NotFoundError, if the application is not found with the specified ID.

    • with error type UnknownError, if the application cannot be retrieved because of an unknown error.

Code example:

 var sharedDir = tizen.application.getAppSharedURI(null);
 console.log("shared directory : " + sharedDir);

Gets the application meta data array for a specified application ID.
ApplicationMetaData[] getAppMetaData(optional ApplicationId? id);

Since: 2.2

If the ID is set to null or not set at all, it returns the application meta data array for the current application.

Privilege level: public



  • id [optional] [nullable]: A string representing an application ID. If the ID is not provided, the application metadata array of the calling application is returned.

Return value:

ApplicationMetaData[] Array of meta data of a specified application. If there are no meta data for a specified application, an empty array is returned


  • WebAPIException
    • with error type SecurityError, if the application does not have the privilege to call this method.

    • with error type NotFoundError, if the application is not found with the specified ID.

    • with error type UnknownError, if the application cannot be retrieved because of an unknown error.

Code example:

 var metaDataArray = tizen.application.getAppMetaData(null);
 console.log("size of metadata : " + metaDataArray.length);


Adds a listener for receiving any notification for changes in the list of installed applications on a device.

Deprecated. Deprecated since 2.4. Instead, let the app developers set a listener for getting notified for the changes(add/remove/update) of applications on a device using tizen.package.setPackageInfoEventListener().

long addAppInfoEventListener(ApplicationInformationEventCallback eventCallback);

Since: 2.0

It installs a callback that is triggered every time a change occurs on the list of installed applications on a device. This change may occur due to a new installation, uninstallation, or update of an application.

When executed, the implementation must immediately return a listener ID that identifies the listener. After returning the ID, the change detection operation is started asynchronously.

The ApplicationInformationEventCallback must be invoked every time a new application is installed, removed, or updated.

The change detection must continue until the removeAppInfoEventListener() method is called with the corresponding listener identifier.


  • eventCallback: The method to call when a change on the installed applications is made

Return value:

long ID of the listener that can be used to remove the listener later.


  • WebAPIException
    • with error type TypeMismatchError, if any input parameter is not compatible with the expected type for that parameter.

    • with error type UnknownError, if it fails to add a listener because of an unknown error.

Code example:

 var appEventCallback = {
    oninstalled: function(appInfo) {
       console.log('The application ' + + ' is installed');
    onupdated: function(appInfo) {
       console.log('The application ' + + ' is updated');
    onuninstalled: function(appid) {
       console.log('The application ' + appid + ' is uninstalled');
 var watchId = tizen.application.addAppInfoEventListener(appEventCallback);

Removes the listener to stop receiving notifications for changes on the list of installed applications on a device.

Deprecated. Deprecated since 2.4. Instead, you can use tizen.package.unsetPackageInfoEventListener().

void removeAppInfoEventListener(long watchId);

Since: 2.0


  • watchId: An ID that identifies the listener


  • WebAPIException
    • with error type NotFoundError, if the listener is not found with the specified ID.

    • with error type UnknownError, if it fails to remove a listener because of an unknown error.

Code example:

 var appEventCallback = {
   oninstalled: function(appInfo) {
     console.log('The application ' + + ' is installed');
   onupdated: function(appInfo) {
     console.log('The application ' + + ' is updated');
   onuninstalled: function(appid) {
     console.log('The application ' + appid + ' is uninstalled');
 var watchId = tizen.application.addAppInfoEventListener(appEventCallback);

2.3. Application

This interface defines the current application’s information and the basic operations (such as exit or hide) for the current application.
  [NoInterfaceObject] interface Application {

    readonly attribute ApplicationInformation appInfo;

    readonly attribute ApplicationContextId contextId;

    void exit() raises(WebAPIException);

    void hide() raises(WebAPIException);

    RequestedApplicationControl getRequestedAppControl() raises(WebAPIException);

    long addEventListener(EventInfo event, EventCallback callback) raises(WebAPIException);

    void removeEventListener(long watchId) raises(WebAPIException);

    void broadcastEvent(EventInfo event, UserEventData data) raises(WebAPIException);

    void broadcastTrustedEvent(EventInfo event, UserEventData data) raises(WebAPIException);

Since: 2.0


  • readonly ApplicationInformation appInfo
    An attribute to store the application information for the current application.

    Since: 2.0

  • readonly ApplicationContextId contextId
    An attribute to store the ID of a running application.

    Since: 2.0


Exits the current application.
void exit();

Since: 2.0


  • WebAPIException
    • with error type UnknownError, if any other error occurs.

Code example:

 var app = tizen.application.getCurrentApplication();


Hides the current application.
void hide();

Since: 2.0


  • WebAPIException
    • with error type UnknownError, if any other error occurs.

Code example:

 var app = tizen.application.getCurrentApplication();


Gets the requested application control passed to the current application.
RequestedApplicationControl getRequestedAppControl();

Since: 2.0

Gets the requested application control that contains the application control passed by the launchAppControl() method from the calling application. The requested application control contains the reason the application is launched and what it has to perform. For example, an application might be launched to display an image on a page by another application’s request. In all of these cases, the application is responsible for checking the contents of the application control and responding appropriately when it is launched.

Return value:

RequestedApplicationControl The details of a requested application control


  • WebAPIException
    • with error type UnknownError, if the application control cannot be retrieved because of an unknown error.

Code example:

 var reqAppControl = tizen.application.getCurrentApplication().getRequestedAppControl();

 if (reqAppControl) {
     console.log("Requester AppID : " + reqAppControl.callerAppId);

Adds a listener which will invoke a callback function when an event occurs.
long addEventListener(EventInfo event, EventCallback callback);

Since: 2.4

System events do not require an application identifier to be specified. Therefore, the appId attribute of the EventInfo dictionary should not be specified when listening for system events. If it is specified, the event to listen for will be interpreted as an user event.


  • event: Event which will invoke the callback
  • callback: Callback function to be invoked when the event occurs

Return value:

long Listener identifier


  • WebAPIException
    • with error type TypeMismatchError, if any input parameter is not compatible with the expected type.

    • with error type UnknownError in any other error case.

Code example:

 var app = tizen.application.getCurrentApplication();

 // for user events: sender's application ID  and event name must be provided by using a dictionary
 // Let's assume that at least two applications are installed
 function onListInstalledApps(appsInfo) {
   var appId = null;

   if (appsInfo.length > 0 && != appsInfo[0].id) {
     appId = appsInfo[0].id;
   } else if (appsInfo.length > 1) {
     appId = appsInfo[1].id;

   if (appId) {
     var watchId = app.addEventListener({"appId": appId, "name": "custom_user_event"}, function(event, data) {
       console.log("Data: " + JSON.stringify(data));
       // do something

Removes an event listener with a specified listener identifier.
void removeEventListener(long watchId);

Since: 2.4


  • watchId: Listener identifier


  • WebAPIException
    • with error type UnknownError in any other error case.

Code example:

 var app = tizen.application.getCurrentApplication();

 // for user events: sender's application ID  and event name must be provided by using a dictionary
 // Let's assume that at least two applications are installed
 function onListInstalledApps(appsInfo) {
   var appId = null;
   var watchId = null;

   if (appsInfo.length > 0 && != appsInfo[0].id) {
     appId = appsInfo[0].id;
   } else if (appsInfo.length > 1) {
     appId = appsInfo[1].id;

   if (appId) {
     watchId = app.addEventListener({"appId": appId, "name": "custom_user_event"}, function(event, data) {
       if (watchId) {
         watchId = null;

Broadcasts a user defined event to all the listeners which are listening for this event.
void broadcastEvent(EventInfo event, UserEventData data);

Since: 2.4

An application can listen to events from other applications. However, it can only broadcast its own events. Therefore, the appId attribute of the EventInfo dictionary must be the identifier of the application which calls this method.


  • event: Event to broadcast
  • data: User defined event data to broadcast


  • WebAPIException
    • with error type TypeMismatchError, if any input parameter is not compatible with the expected type for that parameter.

    • with error type UnknownError in any other error case.

Code example:

 var myCustomData = {
   foo: 'bar'

 var app = tizen.application.getCurrentApplication();

 app.broadcastEvent({"name": "custom_user_event"}, myCustomData);

Broadcasts a user defined event to all the trusted listeners which are listening for this event. Applications which have the same certificate as the sending application can receive the event.
void broadcastTrustedEvent(EventInfo event, UserEventData data);

Since: 2.4

An application can listen to events from other applications. However, it can only broadcast its own events. Therefore, the appId attribute of the EventInfo dictionary must be the identifier of the application which calls this method.


  • event: Trusted event to broadcast
  • data: User defined trusted event data to broadcast


  • WebAPIException
    • with error type TypeMismatchError, if any input parameter is not compatible with the expected type for that parameter.

    • with error type UnknownError in any other error case.

Code example:

 var myTrustedCustomData = {
   foo: 'bar'

 var app = tizen.application.getCurrentApplication();

 app.broadcastTrustedEvent({"name": "custom_user_event"}, myTrustedCustomData);

2.4. ApplicationInformation

This interface defines the general information available to an installed application.
  [NoInterfaceObject] interface ApplicationInformation {

    readonly attribute ApplicationId id;

    readonly attribute DOMString name;

    readonly attribute DOMString iconPath;

    readonly attribute DOMString version;

    readonly attribute boolean show;

    readonly attribute DOMString[] categories;

    readonly attribute Date installDate;

    readonly attribute long size raises(WebAPIException);

    readonly attribute PackageId packageId;

Since: 1.0


  • readonly ApplicationId id
    An attribute to store the identifier of an application for application management.

    Since: 1.0

  • readonly DOMString name
    An attribute to store the name of an application.

    Since: 1.0

  • readonly DOMString iconPath
    An attribute to store the icon path of an application.

    Since: 1.0

  • readonly DOMString version
    An attribute to store the version of an application.

    Since: 1.0

  • readonly boolean show
    An attribute that determines whether the application information should be shown (such as in menus).

    Since: 1.0

  • readonly DOMString[] categories
    An array of attributes to store the categories that the app belongs to.

    Since: 2.0

  • readonly Date installDate
    An attribute to store the application install/update time.

    Since: 2.0

  • readonly long size
    An attribute to store the application size (installed space).

    Since: 2.0

    Privilege level: public



    • WebAPIException
      • with error type SecurityError, if this attribute is not allowed.

  • readonly PackageId packageId
    An attribute to store the package ID of an application.

    Since: 2.1

2.5. ApplicationContext

This interface defines the information available about a running application.
  [NoInterfaceObject] interface ApplicationContext {

    readonly attribute ApplicationContextId id;

    readonly attribute ApplicationId appId;

Since: 1.0


  • readonly ApplicationContextId id
    An attribute to store the ID of a running application.

    Since: 1.0

  • readonly ApplicationId appId
    An attribute to store the ID of an installed application.

    Since: 1.0

2.6. ApplicationControlData

This interface defines a key/value pair used to pass data between applications through the ApplicationControl interface.
  [Constructor(DOMString key, DOMString[] value)]
  interface ApplicationControlData {

    attribute DOMString key;

    attribute DOMString[] value;

Since: 2.0

Code example:

 var appControlData = new tizen.ApplicationControlData("image", [imagedata1]);


ApplicationControlData(DOMString key, DOMString[] value);


  • DOMString key
    An attribute to store the name of a key.

    Since: 2.0

  • DOMString[] value
    An attribute to store the value associated with a key.

    Since: 2.0

2.7. ApplicationControl

This interface consists of an operation, URI, MIME type, and data. It describes an action to be performed by other applications and is passed to launch other applications. If the system gets the application control request, it finds the corresponding application to be launched with the delivered application control and launches the selected application.
  [Constructor(DOMString operation, optional DOMString? uri,
               optional DOMString? mime, optional DOMString? category,
               optional ApplicationControlData[]? data, optional ApplicationControlLaunchMode? launchMode)]
  interface ApplicationControl {

    attribute DOMString operation;

    attribute DOMString? uri;

    attribute DOMString? mime;

    attribute DOMString? category;

    attribute ApplicationControlData[] data;

    attribute ApplicationControlLaunchMode launchMode;

Since: 2.0

Code example:

 var appControl =
       new tizen.ApplicationControl(
                  [new tizen.ApplicationControlData("images",
                                                    [imagedata1, imagedata2])] );


ApplicationControl(DOMString operation, optional DOMString? uri, optional DOMString? mime, optional DOMString? category, optional ApplicationControlData[]? data, optional ApplicationControlLaunchMode? launchMode);


  • DOMString operation
    An attribute to store the string that defines the action to be performed by an application control.

    Since: 2.0

  • DOMString uri [nullable]
    An attribute to store the URI needed by an application control.

    Since: 2.0

  • DOMString mime [nullable]
    An attribute to store the MIME type of content.

    Since: 2.0

  • DOMString category [nullable]
    An attribute to store the category of the application to be launched.

    Since: 2.0

  • ApplicationControlData[] data
    An array of attributes to store the data needed for an application control.

    Since: 2.0

  • ApplicationControlLaunchMode launchMode
    An attribute to specify launch mode. Default application launch mode is SINGLE.

    Since: 2.4

2.8. RequestedApplicationControl

This interface has an application control information requested and passed from another application and is passed to launch other applications. The newly launched application can get the requested application control through the getRequestedAppControl() method, and send the results to the calling application through the replyResult() method after performing the required action requested by the calling application.
  [NoInterfaceObject] interface RequestedApplicationControl {

    readonly attribute ApplicationControl appControl;

    readonly attribute ApplicationId callerAppId;

    void replyResult(optional ApplicationControlData[]? data) raises(WebAPIException);

    void replyFailure() raises(WebAPIException);

Since: 2.0


  • readonly ApplicationControl appControl
    An attribute to store the application control object that describes the caller application’s request. It contains the information that the calling application passed to launchAppControl.

    Since: 2.0

  • readonly ApplicationId callerAppId
    An attribute to store the caller application’s ID.

    Since: 2.1


Sends the results to the caller application.
void replyResult(optional ApplicationControlData[]? data);

Since: 2.0


  • data [optional] [nullable]: An array of ApplicationControlData objects


  • WebAPIException
    • with error type TypeMismatchError, if any input parameter is not compatible with the expected type for that parameter.

    • with error type NotFoundError, if the caller app is not alive or there is no response from the caller app.

    • with error type UnknownError, if the reply request fails because of an unknown error.

Code example:

 var reqAppControl = tizen.application.getCurrentApplication().getRequestedAppControl();
 if (reqAppControl) {
     console.log("Requester AppID : " + reqAppControl.callerAppId);

     var appControl = reqAppControl.appControl;
     if (appControl.operation == "") {
         var data = new tizen.ApplicationControlData("", ["Image1.jpg"]);

Notifies the calling application that the application failed to perform the requested action.
void replyFailure();

Since: 2.0


  • WebAPIException
    • with error type NotFoundError, if the caller app is not alive or there is no response from the caller app.

    • with error type UnknownError, if the reply request fails because of an unknown error.

Code example:

 var reqAppControl = tizen.application.getCurrentApplication().getRequestedAppControl();
 if (reqAppControl) {
     console.log("Requester AppID : " + reqAppControl.callerAppId);

     var appControl = reqAppControl.appControl;
     if (appControl.operation == "") {

2.9. ApplicationCertificate

This interface defines the certificate information of an installed application.
  [NoInterfaceObject] interface ApplicationCertificate {

    readonly attribute DOMString type;

    readonly attribute DOMString value;

Since: 2.0


  • readonly DOMString type
    An attribute to store the type of the application certificate

    Since: 2.0

  • readonly DOMString value
    An attribute to store the value of the application certificate

    Since: 2.0

2.10. ApplicationMetaData

This interface defines the meta data of an installed application
  [NoInterfaceObject] interface ApplicationMetaData {

    readonly attribute DOMString key;

    readonly attribute DOMString value;

Since: 2.2


  • readonly DOMString key
    An attribute to store the key of the application meta data

    Since: 2.2

  • readonly DOMString value
    An attribute to store the value of the application meta data

    Since: 2.2

2.11. ApplicationInformationArraySuccessCallback

This callback interface specifies a success callback that is invoked when the installed application list is retrieved.
  [Callback=FunctionOnly, NoInterfaceObject] interface ApplicationInformationArraySuccessCallback {
    void onsuccess(ApplicationInformation[] informationArray);

Since: 1.0

This callback interface specifies a success method with an array of ApplicationInformation objects as an input parameter. It is used in ApplicationManager.getAppsInfo().


Called when the asynchronous call completes successfully.
void onsuccess(ApplicationInformation[] informationArray);

Since: 1.0


  • informationArray: A list of installed applications

Code example:

 function onListInstalledApps(applications) {
     for (var i = 0; i < applications.length; i++)
         console.log("ID : " + applications[i].id);


2.12. FindAppControlSuccessCallback

This callback interface specifies a success callback that is invoked when the system has finished searching applications that match a specific application control .
  [Callback=FunctionOnly, NoInterfaceObject] interface FindAppControlSuccessCallback {
    void onsuccess(ApplicationInformation[] informationArray, ApplicationControl appControl);

Since: 2.0

This callback interface specifies a success method with an array of ApplicationInformation objects and application control as an input parameter. It is used in ApplicationManager.findAppControl().


Called when the asynchronous call completes successfully.
void onsuccess(ApplicationInformation[] informationArray, ApplicationControl appControl);

Since: 2.0


  • informationArray: A list of installed applications
  • appControl: The application control that is passed to ApplicationManager.findAppControl()

Code example:

 var appControl = new tizen.ApplicationControl(

 // FindAppControlSuccessCallback instance
 function successCB(appInfos, appControl)
     // appControl is same object with the value passed as first parameter to findAppControl()
     var appControlReplyCallback = {
         // callee sent a reply
         onsuccess: function(data) {
             for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
                 if (data[i].key == "") {
                     console.log('Selected image is ' + data[i].value[0]);
         // callee returned failure
         onfailure: function() {
             console.log('The launch application control failed');

     var appId = appInfos[0].id; // select first app's id

         function() {console.log("launch application control succeed"); },
        function(e) {console.log("launch application control failed. reason: " + e.message); },
        appControlReplyCallback );

 tizen.application.findAppControl(appControl, successCB);

2.13. ApplicationContextArraySuccessCallback

This callback interface specifies a success callback that is invoked when the list of running applications is retrieved.
  [Callback=FunctionOnly, NoInterfaceObject] interface ApplicationContextArraySuccessCallback {
    void onsuccess(ApplicationContext[] contexts);

Since: 1.0

This callback interface specifies a success method with an array of ApplicationContext objects as an input parameter. It is used in ApplicationManager.getAppsContext().


Called when ApplicationManager.getAppsContext() completes successfully.
void onsuccess(ApplicationContext[] contexts);

Since: 1.0


  • contexts: A list of running applications

2.14. ApplicationControlDataArrayReplyCallback

The ApplicationControlDataArrayReplyCallback callback specifies success callbacks that are invoked as a reply from the requested application control within the application control requester.
  [Callback, NoInterfaceObject] interface ApplicationControlDataArrayReplyCallback {
    void onsuccess(optional ApplicationControlData[]? data);

    void onfailure();

Since: 2.0

This callback interface specifies two methods:

  • onsuccess() – Invoked if the callee application calls RequestedApplicationControl.replyResult().
  • onfailure() – Invoked if the callee application calls RequestedApplicationControl.replyFailure().

Code example:

 var appControl = new tizen.ApplicationControl(

 // ApplicationControlDataArrayReplyCallback instance
 var appControlReplyCallback = {
     // callee sent a reply
     onsuccess: function(data) {
         for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
             if (data[i].key == "") {
                 console.log('Selected image is ' + data[i].value[0]);
     // callee returned failure
     onfailure: function() {
         console.log('The launch application control failed');

     function() {console.log("launch application control succeed"); },
     function(e) {console.log("launch application control failed. reason: " + e.message); },
     appControlReplyCallback );


Called when the callee application calls RequestedApplicationControl.replyResult().
void onsuccess(optional ApplicationControlData[]? data);

Since: 2.0


  • data [optional] [nullable]: An array of ApplicationControlData objects
Called when the callee application calls RequestedApplicationControl.replyFailure().
void onfailure();

Since: 2.0

2.15. ApplicationInformationEventCallback

The ApplicationInformationEventCallback specifies listener for subscribing for notifications of changes in the list of installed applications on a device.
  [Callback, NoInterfaceObject] interface ApplicationInformationEventCallback {
    void oninstalled(ApplicationInformation info);

    void onupdated(ApplicationInformation info);

    void onuninstalled(ApplicationId id);

Since: 1.0

This callback interface specifies methods that are invoked when an application is installed, updated, or uninstalled.

Code example:

 var appEventCallback = {
    oninstalled: function(appInfo) {
       console.log('The application ' + + ' is installed');
    onupdated: function(appInfo) {
       console.log('The application ' + + ' is updated');
    onuninstalled: function(appid) {
       console.log('The application ' + appid + ' is uninstalled');
 var watchId = tizen.application.addAppInfoEventListener(appEventCallback);


Called when an application is installed.
void oninstalled(ApplicationInformation info);

Since: 1.0


  • info: The application information of the installed application
Called when an application is updated.
void onupdated(ApplicationInformation info);

Since: 1.0


  • info: The application information of the updated application
Called when an application is uninstalled.
void onuninstalled(ApplicationId id);

Since: 1.0


  • id: The ID of the uninstalled application

2.16. SystemEventData

The SystemEventData interface defines what is retrieved from the event listener.
  [NoInterfaceObject] interface SystemEventData {
    attribute DOMString value;
    attribute DOMString type;

Since: 2.4

Platform modules will be able to broadcast system events in a future Tizen release.

2.17. EventCallback

The EventCallback interface specifies a callback for getting notified when a specified event occurs.
  [Callback=FunctionOnly, NoInterfaceObject] interface EventCallback {
    void onevent(EventInfo event, EventData data);

Since: 2.4


Called when the event occurs.
void onevent(EventInfo event, EventData data);

Since: 2.4


  • event: Broadcasted event which invokes this callback
  • data: Broadcasted event data

Code example:

 var app = tizen.application.getCurrentApplication();

 // for user events: sender's application ID  and event name must be provided by using a dictionary
 // Let's assume that at least two applications are installed
 function onListInstalledApps(appsInfo) {
   var appId = null;

   if (appsInfo.length > 0 && != appsInfo[0].id) {
     appId = appsInfo[0].id;
   } else if (appsInfo.length > 1) {
     appId = appsInfo[1].id;

   var eventCB = function(event, data) {
     console.log("Data: " + JSON.stringify(data));
     // do something

   if (appId) {
     var watchId = app.addEventListener({"appId": appId, "name": "custom_user_event"}, eventCB);

2.18. EventInfo

The EventInfo dictionary identifies an event with information such as event name. If it is an user event, the broadasting application’s identifier is also specified.
  dictionary EventInfo {
    ApplicationId appId;

    DOMString name;

Since: 2.4

System events do not require an application identifier to be specified. If one is specified, the event will be interpreted as an user event.

Dictionary members

ApplicationId appId
The unique identifier of the application which is broadcasting an event.

An application can listen to events from other applications. However, it can only broadcast its own events. Therefore, when broadcasting an event, this dictionary member must be the identifier of the application which is broadcasting the event.

System events do not require an application identifier to be specified. If one is specified, the event will be interpreted as an user event.

Since: 2.4

DOMString name
Name which describes the event.

Must only contain the ASCII characters “[A-Z][a-z][0-9]_” and may not begin with a digit. Must be at least 1 byte in length and not exceed the maximum name length of 127 bytes.

Since: 2.4

3. Full WebIDL

module Application {

  typedef DOMString ApplicationId;

  typedef DOMString ApplicationContextId;

  typedef object UserEventData;

  typedef (SystemEventData or UserEventData) EventData;

  enum ApplicationControlLaunchMode { "SINGLE", "GROUP" };

  [NoInterfaceObject] interface ApplicationManagerObject {
    readonly attribute ApplicationManager application;
  Tizen implements ApplicationManagerObject;

  [NoInterfaceObject] interface ApplicationManager {

    Application getCurrentApplication() raises(WebAPIException);

    void kill(ApplicationContextId contextId,
              optional SuccessCallback? successCallback,
              optional ErrorCallback? errorCallback) raises(WebAPIException);

    void launch(ApplicationId id,
                optional SuccessCallback? successCallback,
                optional ErrorCallback? errorCallback) raises(WebAPIException);

    void launchAppControl(ApplicationControl appControl,
                          optional ApplicationId? id,
                          optional SuccessCallback? successCallback,
                          optional ErrorCallback? errorCallback,
                          optional ApplicationControlDataArrayReplyCallback? replyCallback) raises(WebAPIException);

    void findAppControl(ApplicationControl appControl,
                        FindAppControlSuccessCallback successCallback,
                        optional ErrorCallback? errorCallback) raises(WebAPIException);

    void getAppsContext(ApplicationContextArraySuccessCallback successCallback,
                        optional ErrorCallback? errorCallback) raises(WebAPIException);

    ApplicationContext getAppContext(optional ApplicationContextId? contextId) raises(WebAPIException);

    void getAppsInfo(ApplicationInformationArraySuccessCallback successCallback,
                     optional ErrorCallback? errorCallback) raises(WebAPIException);

    ApplicationInformation getAppInfo(optional ApplicationId? id) raises(WebAPIException);

    ApplicationCertificate[] getAppCerts(optional ApplicationId? id) raises(WebAPIException);

    DOMString getAppSharedURI(optional ApplicationId? id) raises(WebAPIException);

    ApplicationMetaData[] getAppMetaData(optional ApplicationId? id) raises(WebAPIException);

    long addAppInfoEventListener(ApplicationInformationEventCallback eventCallback) raises(WebAPIException);

    void removeAppInfoEventListener(long watchId) raises(WebAPIException);

  [NoInterfaceObject] interface Application {

    readonly attribute ApplicationInformation appInfo;

    readonly attribute ApplicationContextId contextId;

    void exit() raises(WebAPIException);

    void hide() raises(WebAPIException);

    RequestedApplicationControl getRequestedAppControl() raises(WebAPIException);

    long addEventListener(EventInfo event, EventCallback callback) raises(WebAPIException);

    void removeEventListener(long watchId) raises(WebAPIException);

    void broadcastEvent(EventInfo event, UserEventData data) raises(WebAPIException);

    void broadcastTrustedEvent(EventInfo event, UserEventData data) raises(WebAPIException);

  [NoInterfaceObject] interface ApplicationInformation {

    readonly attribute ApplicationId id;

    readonly attribute DOMString name;

    readonly attribute DOMString iconPath;

    readonly attribute DOMString version;

    readonly attribute boolean show;

    readonly attribute DOMString[] categories;

    readonly attribute Date installDate;

    readonly attribute long size raises(WebAPIException);

    readonly attribute PackageId packageId;

  [NoInterfaceObject] interface ApplicationContext {

    readonly attribute ApplicationContextId id;

    readonly attribute ApplicationId appId;

  [Constructor(DOMString key, DOMString[] value)]
  interface ApplicationControlData {

    attribute DOMString key;

    attribute DOMString[] value;

  [Constructor(DOMString operation, optional DOMString? uri,
               optional DOMString? mime, optional DOMString? category,
               optional ApplicationControlData[]? data, optional ApplicationControlLaunchMode? launchMode)]
  interface ApplicationControl {

    attribute DOMString operation;

    attribute DOMString? uri;

    attribute DOMString? mime;

    attribute DOMString? category;

    attribute ApplicationControlData[] data;

    attribute ApplicationControlLaunchMode launchMode;

  [NoInterfaceObject] interface RequestedApplicationControl {

    readonly attribute ApplicationControl appControl;

    readonly attribute ApplicationId callerAppId;

    void replyResult(optional ApplicationControlData[]? data) raises(WebAPIException);

    void replyFailure() raises(WebAPIException);

  [NoInterfaceObject] interface ApplicationCertificate {

    readonly attribute DOMString type;

    readonly attribute DOMString value;

  [NoInterfaceObject] interface ApplicationMetaData {

    readonly attribute DOMString key;

    readonly attribute DOMString value;

  [Callback=FunctionOnly, NoInterfaceObject] interface ApplicationInformationArraySuccessCallback {
    void onsuccess(ApplicationInformation[] informationArray);

  [Callback=FunctionOnly, NoInterfaceObject] interface FindAppControlSuccessCallback {
    void onsuccess(ApplicationInformation[] informationArray, ApplicationControl appControl);

  [Callback=FunctionOnly, NoInterfaceObject] interface ApplicationContextArraySuccessCallback {
    void onsuccess(ApplicationContext[] contexts);

  [Callback, NoInterfaceObject] interface ApplicationControlDataArrayReplyCallback {
    void onsuccess(optional ApplicationControlData[]? data);

    void onfailure();

  [Callback, NoInterfaceObject] interface ApplicationInformationEventCallback {
    void oninstalled(ApplicationInformation info);

    void onupdated(ApplicationInformation info);

    void onuninstalled(ApplicationId id);

  [NoInterfaceObject] interface SystemEventData {
    attribute DOMString value;
    attribute DOMString type;

  [Callback=FunctionOnly, NoInterfaceObject] interface EventCallback {
    void onevent(EventInfo event, EventData data);

  dictionary EventInfo {
    ApplicationId appId;

    DOMString name;