Tizen Steering Group Keynote

Hyogun Lee
Executive Vice President, Samsung
Co-chair, Tizen Technical Steering Group
Dr. Hyogun Lee is an Executive Vice President at Samsung Electronics, and Head of Software Platform Team of Software Center, leading the development of Tizen Open Source Platform for smart devices, such as smartphones, smart watches, tablets, IVI (In-Vehicle Infotainment), Digital TV, etc. Before holding this position, he was Head of R&D at Visual Display Business Division and led development of Samsung TV products. Dr. Lee earned his PhD from KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) in Korea.

Mark Skarpness
Director of Systems Engineering
Intel Open Source Technology Center
Mark is the Director of Systems Engineering in the Open Source Technology Center at Intel. His team is responsible for integration, release engineering, distribution infrastructure, security, and quality assurance for Android, Tizen, and Yocto. Mark has held a variety of technical, marketing, and management positions during his twenty years with Intel. Mark spent his first seven years at Intel as a software engineer and architect working in the area of broadband networking and he has been working on open source and Linux for the past thirteen years.
Mr. Qiu Shan Qin, Ph.D
China Open Source Promotion Union
Qiu Shan Qin, Ph.D., Senior Engineer, is currently the Chairman of China Open Source Software (OSS) Promotion Union (COPU). Dr. Qiu is the guest professor at the Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences, in Beihang University and Xiamen University. He is in charge of the National Software and Integrated Circuit Public Service Platform Construction. Dr. Qiu was awarded “Outstanding Contribution of Open Source Software Award ” in 2005, in 2006 andin 2009 along with many other accolades. His work has been highly recognized by the industry.
邱善勤,中国开源软件推进联盟主席,博士,高级工程师。中科院研究生院、北京航空航天大学、厦门大学的客座教授,主持国家软件与集成电路公共服务平台建设工作。是工业和信息化部IP核标准工作组组长,工业和信息化部Linux标准工作组副组长;国家集成电路公共服务联盟理事长;中国集成电路IP战略联盟主席;国产电子政务软件产业化联盟主席,CSIP云计算研究中心首席专家。05年、06年、09年分别获得:“开源软件杰出贡献奖”、“中国软件行业杰出青年提名奖”、“中国软件和信息服务外包产业杰出贡献奖”,他的工作得到行业的高度认可。 在构建国家软件和集成电路公共技术服务平台体系方面作了大量卓有成效的工作,在全国建设了23个国家软件与集成电路公共服务平台地方平台、企业技术中心;邱善勤先生先后主持实施了26项国家电子信息产业发展基金、863计划、“核高基”国家科技重大专项等支持的项目;主持了3大项标准的研究、制定和推广应用工作,开创了标准制定工作新局面;承担软课题研究20余项,撰写影响产业发展的技术趋势分析报告39份;主持编写了“国家信息技术紧缺人才培养工程” 系列丛书5大专业方向21本教材,得到了广泛应用;在行业具有广泛影响。
Schedule TBD
Liu Jun (刘骏)
Vice President
Baidu (百度副总裁)
Mr. Liu Jun is currently the Vice President of Baidu, heading Location Based Service (LBS) Business Unit and Knowledge products’ team. Mr. Liu graduated from Fudan University with a BS in radio engineering and received an MS in electronic engineering from Steven Institute of Technology, NJ in 1991. As the former deputy dean of the Google China Engineering Research Institute, Mr. Liu formed and led the engineering team and oversaw Google’s entire Chinese search services till 2010. Prior to that, Mr. Liu had worked at Microsoft headquarters for 11 years, as software development manager and director. He led the efforts in developing several core technologies that are deployed in Windows, Office and MSN, including a natural language interface platform.
刘骏,现任百度副总裁,负责百度LBS事业部及知识团队相关管理工作。 本科就读于复旦大学无线电工程专业,1991年毕业于Steven Institute of Technology, NJ,获电子工程硕士学位。 曾任谷歌中国工程研究院副院长兼全球工程技术总监,负责谷歌中文搜索服务及工程团队组建与研发工作;并曾在微软美国总部工作11年,历任软件开发经理、总监等高级职务,领导研发了用于Windows、 Office 和MSN 的自然语界面平台等多项核心技术。 刘骏长期从事互联网技术开发和管理工作,不断进行技术创新与人才培养,为公司业绩高速增长做出了突出贡献。
Schedule TBD
Xie Pingzhang (谢平章)
Vice President, Mobile Internet Business Groups
Tencent (腾讯副总裁)
In 1982, he graduated with his Bachelor’s degree from Nanjing Post and Telecommunications College in Telecommunications. After graduation, he joined Guangzhou Yuxin Communication Corporation as chief engineer.In 2003, he joined Tencent Corporation as GM of Telecom BG and Wireless Cooperated R&D dept.In 2006, he held the post of Mobile Internet BG’s VP, and took charge of wireless channel’s development and R&D’s management
谢平章先生1982年毕业于南京邮电学院电报通信专业,本科学历。 毕业后加入广州市豫新通信公司,担任总工程师职务。 2003年加入腾讯公司,任电信事业部总经理、无线合作开发部总经理 2006年正式出任腾讯公司移动互联网事业群副总裁,负责无线渠道拓展和研发的管理工作。
Schedule TBD
Yu Yongfu (俞永福)
Alibaba Mobile Business Group, Alibaba Strategy Committee
Yu Yongfu, CEO of Alibaba Mobile Business Group in Alibaba, is in charge of the browser, gaming, app distribution, search and map services. Yongfu is also a member of Alibaba’s top decision making organization, the Alibaba-UC Strategy Committee composed of only 8 members in total. Yongfu graduated from Nankai University in Tianjin in 1999 with an undergraduate degree in International Business. Under the leadership of Yongfu, UCWeb expanded over 100 times in 3 years and was successfully acquired by Alibaba Group for $5 billion dollars, the biggest acquisition in China’s internet industry so far.
Schedule TBD
Wang Zhe (王哲)
Vice President, Chukong Technologies
Founder, Cocos2d-x
Wang Zhe, vice president of Chukong Technologies, and founder of Cocos2d-x. Today Cocos2d-x is one of the most popular mobile game engines worldwide, and dominantly the No.1 in China. 70% top grossing mobile games in China are based on it. Zhe leads the Cocos2d-x team, keeps improving this engine, to offer a complete tool chain for developing multi-platform games from indie game developers to big companies.