Intel® XDK HTML5 Toolkit

Intel® XDK, built on web technologies, is an integrated HTML5 development environment for building and deploying cross-platform mobile apps across multiple app stores and form factors. Intel® XDK enables developers to create compelling apps and shorten time from idea to app store using a streamlined workflow that equips developers with the tools and technologies at each stage of the development process. With Intel® XDK, developers can manage multiple projects, design responsive apps, debug, test, build, and deploy Tizen, Android, iOS, Microsoft Windows Phone 8, Windows 8 Store, Chrome OS, Amazon, Nook, and Facebook store-ready apps.

Intel® XDK includes appbackr Xchange APIs to provide developers full access to appbackr app scores and incentives for developers to port apps to Tizen store.  Intel® XDK is available as a free download for Windows, OS X, and Ubuntu Linux. Download Intel® XDK at:  install, build, test, and deploy Tizen* ready apps.

Developer Incentive Programs