Archive API

The Archive API provides functions to create and manage archive files. You can extract files, add a file to an archive file, and so on.

For more information about how to use Archive API, see Archive Guide.

Since: 2.3

Table of Contents

Summary of Interfaces and Methods

Interface Method
long open (FileReference file, FileMode mode, ArchiveFileSuccessCallback onsuccess, optional ErrorCallback? onerror, optional ArchiveFileOptions? options)
void abort (long operationIdentifier)
long add (FileReference sourceFile, optional SuccessCallback? onsuccess, optional ErrorCallback? onerror, optional ArchiveFileProgressCallback? onprogress, optional ArchiveFileEntryOptions? options)
long extractAll (FileReference destinationDirectory, optional SuccessCallback? onsuccess, optional ErrorCallback? onerror, optional ArchiveFileProgressCallback? onprogress, optional boolean? overwrite)
long getEntryByName (DOMString name, ArchiveFileEntrySuccessCallback onsuccess, optional ErrorCallback? onerror)
void close ()
long extract (FileReference destinationDirectory, optional SuccessCallback? onsuccess, optional ErrorCallback? onerror, optional ArchiveFileProgressCallback? onprogress, optional boolean? stripName, optional boolean? overwrite)
void onsuccess (ArchiveFile archive)
void onsuccess (ArchiveFileEntry[] entries)
void onprogress (long operationIdentifier, double value, DOMString filename)

1. Type Definitions

1.1. FileReference

File reference for an archive file. It can be either a File object or a virtual path.
    typedef (DOMString or File) FileReference;

Since: 2.3

1.2. ArchiveCompressionLevel

Enumeration for the compression level.
    enum ArchiveCompressionLevel {"STORE", "FAST", "NORMAL", "BEST"};

Since: 2.3

  • STORE – No compression. The file is stored unchanged.
  • FAST – Choose the fastest compression method, compression savings will be less.
  • NORMAL – Default compression level.
  • BEST – Choose the best compression method, compression may be slow.

2. Interfaces

2.1. ArchiveManagerObject

The ArchiveManagerObject interface defines what is instantiated in Tizen object.
    [NoInterfaceObject] interface ArchiveManagerObject {
        readonly attribute ArchiveManager archive;
    Tizen implements ArchiveManagerObject;

Since: 2.3

tizen.archive object allows access to the Archive API.

2.2. ArchiveFileOptions

The ArchiveFileOptions dictionary represents the option to decide if an archive file can be overwritten when an archive file is opened.
    dictionary ArchiveFileOptions {
        boolean overwrite;

Since: 2.3

Dictionary members

boolean overwrite
Indicates whether opening an archive file for writing can overwrite the contents of the existing file.
  • true – The archive file is overwritten if an archive file with a same name exists in the same location. The previous contents are lost.
  • false – The archive file is not overwritten if an archive file with a same name exists in the same location.

The default value is false

See description of the mode argument of the open() method.

Since: 2.3

2.3. ArchiveFileEntryOptions

The ArchiveFileEntryOptions dictionary controls behavior when adding a file to an archive.
    dictionary ArchiveFileEntryOptions {
        DOMString destination;

        boolean stripSourceDirectory;

        ArchiveCompressionLevel compressionLevel;


Since: 2.3

Dictionary members

DOMString destination
Path where ArchiveFileEntry should be stored in an archive file.

Since: 2.3

Remark : If destination is not set, then the root directory of archive will be used (equivalent to destination = “”).

boolean stripSourceDirectory
Controls whether leading directory information is stripped from the source file name before storing.

The virtual root is always removed. To omit all the remaining directory names, set stripSourceDirectory to true.

Source file name Target file name when destination is “mypackage”
stripSourceDirectory: true stripSourceDirectory: false
documents/tizen/archive/example/test.js mypackage/test.js mypackage/tizen/archive/example/test.js
wgt-private/test/js/main.js mypackage/main.js mypackage/test/js/main.js
downloads/test.c mypackage/test.c mypackage/test.c

Since: 2.3

Remark : The default value is false.

ArchiveCompressionLevel compressionLevel
Compression level.

Since: 2.3

Remark : The default compression level is NORMAL.

2.4. ArchiveManager

The ArchiveManager interface provides methods for global operations related to ArchiveFile.
    [NoInterfaceObject] interface ArchiveManager {
        long open(FileReference file,
                  FileMode mode,
                  ArchiveFileSuccessCallback onsuccess,
                  optional ErrorCallback? onerror,
                  optional ArchiveFileOptions? options) raises(WebAPIException);

        void abort(long operationIdentifier) raises(WebAPIException);

Since: 2.3


Opens the archive file. After this operation, it is possible to add or get files to and from the archive.
long open(FileReference file, FileMode mode, ArchiveFileSuccessCallback onsuccess, optional ErrorCallback? onerror, optional ArchiveFileOptions? options);

Since: 2.3

The errorCallback is launched with these error types:

  • InvalidValuesError: If archiveFile format is not recognized
  • NotFoundError: If the mode is “r” and the file does not exist, or the mode is not “r” and the file cannot be created because the path of the file after excluding its file name does not exist
  • IOError: If the access is denied due to insufficient permissions
  • UnknownError: In case of any other error

Use mode depending on which operation are intended:

Mode Description
r Use this mode for extracting or getting information about the contents of an archive file.
file must exist. If the file does not exist, onerror will be invoked (NotFoundError).
When an archive file is opened in this mode, add() will not be available. (IOError will be thrown.)
w Use this mode to create an archive file and add files to the archive file.
If file does not exist, it will be created.
If file exists and the overwrite option is true, the existing file will be overwritten with empty archive.
If file exists and the overwrite option is false, onerror callback will be invoked (InvalidModificationError).
When an archive file is opened in this mode, getEntries(), getEntryByName(), and extractAll() are not available. (IOError will be thrown.)
rw Use this mode for archive zipping/unzipping.
If file does not exist, it will be created.
If file exists and the overwrite option is true, the existing file will be overwritten with an empty archive.
If file exists and the overwrite option is false, the existing contents are preserved. Both adding and extracting will be available.
a Use this mode to add new files to an archive file.
If file does not exist, it will be created.
If file exists, then the previous contents of the archive file are preserved and new files can be added to the archive file. In this mode, getEntries(), getEntryByName(), and extractAll() are not available. (IOError will be thrown.)

Privilege level: public



  • file: File to open
  • mode: File mode for the opened archive. Determines which operations are available
  • onsuccess: Callback method to be invoked when archive is opened successfully
  • onerror [optional] [nullable]: Callback method to be invoked when an error occurs
  • options [optional] [nullable]: Additional options for initializing the ArchiveFile instance

Return value:

long Task ID which can be used to cancel the operation with abort()


  • WebAPIException
    • with error type TypeMismatchError, if parameter type does not match.

    • with error type SecurityError, if the application does not have the privilege to call this method.

Code example:

 function successCallback(archive) {
     console.log("Success, can now read from archive " + archive);

 function errorCallback(error) {
 }"downloads/", "r", successCallback, errorCallback);

Cancels an operation with the given identifier.
void abort(long operationIdentifier);

Since: 2.3


  • operationIdentifier: Task ID returned by an asynchronous function from this module


  • WebAPIException
    • with error type UnknownError, if any error occurs.

Code example:

 function openSuccess(archive) {
     operationId = archive.extractAll("downloads/extracted");
 }"downloads/", "r", openSuccess);

2.5. ArchiveFile

The ArchiveFile interface provides access to member files of the archive file.
    interface ArchiveFile {
        readonly attribute FileMode mode;

        readonly attribute unsigned long long? decompressedSize;

        long add(FileReference sourceFile,
                 optional SuccessCallback? onsuccess,
                 optional ErrorCallback? onerror,
                 optional ArchiveFileProgressCallback? onprogress,
                 optional ArchiveFileEntryOptions? options) raises(WebAPIException);

        long extractAll(FileReference destinationDirectory,
                        optional SuccessCallback? onsuccess,
                        optional ErrorCallback? onerror,
                        optional ArchiveFileProgressCallback? onprogress,
                        optional boolean? overwrite) raises(WebAPIException);

        long getEntries(ArchiveFileEntryArraySuccessCallback onsuccess,
                        optional ErrorCallback? onerror) raises(WebAPIException);

        long getEntryByName(DOMString name,
                            ArchiveFileEntrySuccessCallback onsuccess,
                            optional ErrorCallback? onerror) raises(WebAPIException);

        void close() raises(WebAPIException);

Since: 2.3


  • readonly FileMode mode
    attribute File mode when it is opened.

    Since: 2.3

  • readonly unsigned long long decompressedSize [nullable]
    Size of all the files included in the archive after decompression.

    The size is null until the archive is opened.

    Since: 2.3


Adds a new member file to ArchiveFile.
long add(FileReference sourceFile, optional SuccessCallback? onsuccess, optional ErrorCallback? onerror, optional ArchiveFileProgressCallback? onprogress, optional ArchiveFileEntryOptions? options);

Since: 2.3

If sourceFile refers to a directory, the directory and its content will be added to ArchiveFile.

The errorCallback is launched with these error types:

  • NotFoundError: If the given sourceFile does not exist
  • IOError: If archiveFile can not be written due the lack of access permission
  • InvalidModificationError: If the operation results in a name conflict in the archive
    i.e. two entries in the archive with the same name (including directory names).
  • UnknownError: In any case of any other error

Name stored for new entries is constructed from sourceFile according to the stripSourceDirectory and destination options. Names are constructed as follows:

source file destination stripSourceDirectory resulting entry name
documents/subdir/second/justName.ext (empty) false subdir/second/justName.ext
documents/subdir/second/justName.ext (empty) true justName.ext
documents/subdir/justName.ext “report3” false report3/subdir/justName.ext
documents/subdir/justName.ext “report3” true report3/justName.ext

Privilege level: public



  • sourceFile: File or directory to be added to archive
  • onsuccess [optional] [nullable]: Callback method to be invoked when this operation is completed successfully
  • onerror [optional] [nullable]: Callback method to be invoked when an error occurs
  • onprogress [optional] [nullable]: Callback method to be invoked to notify about operation progress
    It is called every time a single source file has been completely added. If the source file is big then the callback can also be called while the file is being processed.
  • options [optional] [nullable]: Additional options used to control how the sourceFile will be compressed and stored in the archive

Return value:

long Task ID which can be used to cancel the operation with abort()


  • WebAPIException
    • with error type TypeMismatchError, if parameter is of the wrong type.

    • with error type InvalidStateError, if ArchiveFile is not open.

    • with error type InvalidAccessError, if the file mode is “r”.

    • with error type SecurityError, if the application does not have the privilege to call this method.

Code example:

 function errorCallback(error) {

 function successCallback() {

 function progressCallback(opId, val, name) {
     console.log("opId: " + opId + " with progress val: " + val);

 function createSuccess(archive) {
     archive.add("downloads/file.txt", successCallback, errorCallback, progressCallback);
 }"downloads/", "w", createSuccess);

Extracts every file from this ArchiveFile to a given directory.
long extractAll(FileReference destinationDirectory, optional SuccessCallback? onsuccess, optional ErrorCallback? onerror, optional ArchiveFileProgressCallback? onprogress, optional boolean? overwrite);

Since: 2.3

All extracted files will be located in the given directory.

The overwrite attribute determines whether extracted files can overwrite existing files.

The errorCallback is launched with these error types:

  • NotFoundError: If the given destinationDirectory does not exist
  • IOError: If destinationDirectory can not be written to (e.g due to insufficient permissions)
  • InvalidModificationError: If during extracting it is detected that an existing file would have to be overwritten and the overwrite argument is false
  • UnknownError: In any other error case

Privilege level: public



  • destinationDirectory: Directory where extracted files will be stored
    Specified as a virtual path or a File object representing a directory.
  • onsuccess [optional] [nullable]: Callback method to be invoked when an archive is extracted successfully
  • onerror [optional] [nullable]: Callback method to be invoked when an error occurs
  • onprogress [optional] [nullable]: Callback method to be invoked while the extracting is in progress
    The onprogress callback is called at least once. It will be invoked for every extracted file.
  • overwrite [optional] [nullable]: Flag indicating whether to overwrite or keep the existing files with the same name in the destinationDirectory location when extracting an archive
    By default, this attribute is set to false.

Return value:

long Task ID which can be used to cancel the operation with abort()


  • WebAPIException
    • with error type TypeMismatchError, if parameter is of the wrong type.

    • with error type InvalidStateError, if ArchiveFile is not open.

    • with error type InvalidAccessError, if the file mode is “w” or “a”.

    • with error type SecurityError, if the application does not have the privilege to call this method.

Code example:

 function errorCallback(error) {

 function successCallback() {

 function progressCallback(opId, val, name) {
     console.log("extracting operation (: " + opId + ") is in progress (" + (val * 100).toFixed(1) + "%)");

 function openSuccess(archive) {
     archive.extractAll("music", successCallback, errorCallback, progressCallback);
 }"downloads/", "r", openSuccess);

Retrieves information about the member files in ArchiveFile.
long getEntries(ArchiveFileEntryArraySuccessCallback onsuccess, optional ErrorCallback? onerror);

Since: 2.3

The errorCallback is launched with these error types:

  • UnknownError: In case of any error

Privilege level: public



  • onsuccess: Callback method to be invoked when information about all the files in the archive is successfully retrieved
  • onerror [optional] [nullable]: Callback method to be invoked when an error occurs

Return value:

long Task ID which can be used to cancel the operation with abort()


  • WebAPIException
    • with error type TypeMismatchError, if parameter is of the wrong type.

    • with error type InvalidStateError, if ArchiveFile is not open.

    • with error type InvalidAccessError, if the file mode is “w” or “a”.

    • with error type SecurityError, if the application does not have the privilege to call this method.

Code example:

 function errorCallback(error) {

 function getEntriesSuccess(entries) {
     console.log("Entries length: " + entries.length);
     for (var i=0; i < entries.length; i++) {

 function openSuccess(archive) {
     archive.getEntries(getEntriesSuccess, errorCallback);
 }"downloads/", "r", openSuccess, errorCallback);

Retrieves information about ArchiveFileEntry with the specified name in ArchiveFile.
long getEntryByName(DOMString name, ArchiveFileEntrySuccessCallback onsuccess, optional ErrorCallback? onerror);

Since: 2.3

The errorCallback is launched with these error types:

  • NotFoundError: If ArchiveFileEntry with the specific name does not exist
  • UnknownError: In case of any other error

Privilege level: public



  • name: Name of ArchiveFileEntry to extract
  • onsuccess: Callback method to be invoked when a file matched with the given name is found
  • onerror [optional] [nullable]: Callback method to be invoked when an error occurs

Return value:

long Task ID which can be used to cancel the operation with abort()


  • WebAPIException
    • with error type TypeMismatchError, if parameter is of the wrong type.

    • with error type InvalidStateError, if ArchiveFile is not opened.

    • with error type InvalidAccessError, if the file mode is “w” or “a”.

    • with error type SecurityError, if the application does not have the privilege to call this method.

Code example:

 function errorCallback(error) {

 function getEntrySuccess(entry) {
     console.log("Entry: " + + " size: " + entry.size);

 function openSuccess(archive) {
     archive.getEntryByName("arch/my_file.txt", getEntrySuccess, errorCallback);
 }"downloads/", "r", openSuccess);

Closes the ArchiveFile.
void close();

Since: 2.3

Call this method when the archive file is not used any more. Once you call this method, the archive file object will not be available and any further operation attempt results in an InvalidStateError.
Calling close() on an archive file object which is already closed does not raise any exception.


  • WebAPIException
    • with error type UnknownError, if any other error occurs.

2.6. ArchiveFileEntry

The ArchiveFileEntry interface provides access to ArchiveFile member information and file data.
    interface ArchiveFileEntry {
        readonly attribute DOMString name;

        readonly attribute unsigned long long size;

        readonly attribute unsigned long long? compressedSize;

        readonly attribute Date modified;

        long extract(FileReference destinationDirectory,
                     optional SuccessCallback? onsuccess,
                     optional ErrorCallback? onerror,
                     optional ArchiveFileProgressCallback? onprogress,
                     optional boolean? stripName,
                     optional boolean? overwrite) raises(WebAPIException);


Since: 2.3


  • readonly DOMString name
    Path identifying the member file of ArchiveFile.
    This is a full path with the directory and base name of the entry.

    Since: 2.3

  • readonly unsigned long long size
    Original size of the member file [bytes].

    If the ArchiveFileEntry member is a folder, the attribute value will be the sum of sizes of all files in this directory.

    Since: 2.3

  • readonly unsigned long long compressedSize [nullable]
    Amount of storage space used by the member file, which may be compressed, in ArchiveFile [bytes].

    If ArchiveFileEntry member is a folder, the attribute will be sum of the sizes of all files in this directory.

    Until a new entry is added to the archive, the compressedSize is null

    Since: 2.3

  • readonly Date modified
    Date and time stored with the member file. This is usually the modification date of the file.

    Since: 2.3


Extracts ArchiveFileEntry to the given location.
long extract(FileReference destinationDirectory, optional SuccessCallback? onsuccess, optional ErrorCallback? onerror, optional ArchiveFileProgressCallback? onprogress, optional boolean? stripName, optional boolean? overwrite);

Since: 2.3

The errorCallback is launched with these error types:

  • NotFoundError: If the given destinationDirectory does not exist
  • InvalidModificationError: If the file already exists and overwriting is not allowed
  • IOError: If destinationDirectory can not be written to
  • UnknownError: In case of any other error

Privilege level: public



  • destinationDirectory: Directory where extracted files will be stored
    Given as a virtual path or a File object representing a directory.
  • onsuccess [optional] [nullable]: Callback method to be invoked when an extract operation is completed
  • onerror [optional] [nullable]: Callback method to be invoked when an error occurs
  • onprogress [optional] [nullable]: Callback method to be invoked while the extracting is in progress
    The onprogress callback is called at least once. It will be invoked for every extracted file.
  • stripName [optional] [nullable]: Flag which determines if directory name part of ArchiveFileEntry should be removed or preserved
    The default value is false. If it is true, use only base name (part after last slash) as a target path.
  • overwrite [optional] [nullable]: Flag which determines if it possible to overwrite files when the decompressed file already exists in this destination location
    The default value is false.

Return value:

long Task ID which can be used to cancel the operation with abort()


  • WebAPIException
    • with error type TypeMismatchError, if parameter is of the wrong type.

    • with error type InvalidValuesError, if directory parameter does not represent a directory.

    • with error type SecurityError, if the application does not have the privilege to call this method.

Code example:

 function errorCallback(error) {

 function extractSuccessCallback() {

 function getEntrySuccess(entry) {
     entry.extract("downloads/extract", extractSuccessCallback, errorCallback);

 function openSuccess(archive) {
     archive.getEntryByName("my_file.txt", getEntrySuccess, errorCallback);
 }"downloads/", "r", openSuccess, errorCallback);

2.7. ArchiveFileSuccessCallback

The ArchiveFileSuccessCallback interface provides a SuccessCallback for the ArchiveManager::open() method.
    [Callback=FunctionOnly, NoInterfaceObject] interface ArchiveFileSuccessCallback {
        void onsuccess(ArchiveFile archive);

Since: 2.3


Called when the archive file with the given name is ready to use.
void onsuccess(ArchiveFile archive);

Since: 2.3


  • archive: Archive file object

2.8. ArchiveFileEntrySuccessCallback

The ArchiveFileEntrySuccessCallback interface provides a SuccessCallback for the ArchiveFile::getEntryByName() method.
    [Callback=FunctionOnly, NoInterfaceObject] interface ArchiveFileEntrySuccessCallback {
        void onsuccess(ArchiveFileEntry entry);

Since: 2.3


Called when the file with the given name through getEntryByName() is found successfully.
void onsuccess(ArchiveFileEntry entry);

Since: 2.3


  • entry: ArchiveFileEntry object representing the file found in ArchiveFile

2.9. ArchiveFileEntryArraySuccessCallback

The ArchiveFileEntryArraySuccessCallback interface provides a SuccessCallback for the ArchiveFile::getEntries() method.
    [Callback=FunctionOnly, NoInterfaceObject] interface ArchiveFileEntryArraySuccessCallback {
        void onsuccess(ArchiveFileEntry[] entries);

Since: 2.3


Called when all file entries in the archive file are retrieved successfully.
void onsuccess(ArchiveFileEntry[] entries);

Since: 2.3


  • entries: List of ArchiveFileEntry objects found in ArchiveFile

2.10. ArchiveFileProgressCallback

The ArchiveFileProgressCallback interface provides a ProgressCallback for ArchiveFile and ArchiveFileEntry methods.
    [Callback=FunctionOnly, NoInterfaceObject] interface ArchiveFileProgressCallback {
        void onprogress(long operationIdentifier, double value, DOMString filename);

Since: 2.3


Called to signal compressing or extracting operation progress.
void onprogress(long operationIdentifier, double value, DOMString filename);

Since: 2.3


  • operationIdentifier: Operation identifier for which progress is reported
  • value: Progress of the operation, value between 0.0 and 1.0 where 1.0 is 100% progress
  • filename: Name of the compressed or extracted file

3. Full WebIDL

module Archive {

    typedef (DOMString or File) FileReference;

    enum ArchiveCompressionLevel {"STORE", "FAST", "NORMAL", "BEST"};

    [NoInterfaceObject] interface ArchiveManagerObject {
        readonly attribute ArchiveManager archive;

    Tizen implements ArchiveManagerObject;

    dictionary ArchiveFileOptions {
        boolean overwrite;


    dictionary ArchiveFileEntryOptions {
        DOMString destination;

        boolean stripSourceDirectory;

        ArchiveCompressionLevel compressionLevel;


    [NoInterfaceObject] interface ArchiveManager {
        long open(FileReference file,
                  FileMode mode,
                  ArchiveFileSuccessCallback onsuccess,
                  optional ErrorCallback? onerror,
                  optional ArchiveFileOptions? options) raises(WebAPIException);

        void abort(long operationIdentifier) raises(WebAPIException);

    interface ArchiveFile {
        readonly attribute FileMode mode;

        readonly attribute unsigned long long? decompressedSize;

        long add(FileReference sourceFile,
                 optional SuccessCallback? onsuccess,
                 optional ErrorCallback? onerror,
                 optional ArchiveFileProgressCallback? onprogress,
                 optional ArchiveFileEntryOptions? options) raises(WebAPIException);

        long extractAll(FileReference destinationDirectory,
                        optional SuccessCallback? onsuccess,
                        optional ErrorCallback? onerror,
                        optional ArchiveFileProgressCallback? onprogress,
                        optional boolean? overwrite) raises(WebAPIException);

        long getEntries(ArchiveFileEntryArraySuccessCallback onsuccess,
                        optional ErrorCallback? onerror) raises(WebAPIException);

        long getEntryByName(DOMString name,
                            ArchiveFileEntrySuccessCallback onsuccess,
                            optional ErrorCallback? onerror) raises(WebAPIException);

        void close() raises(WebAPIException);

    interface ArchiveFileEntry {
        readonly attribute DOMString name;

        readonly attribute unsigned long long size;

        readonly attribute unsigned long long? compressedSize;

        readonly attribute Date modified;

        long extract(FileReference destinationDirectory,
                     optional SuccessCallback? onsuccess,
                     optional ErrorCallback? onerror,
                     optional ArchiveFileProgressCallback? onprogress,
                     optional boolean? stripName,
                     optional boolean? overwrite) raises(WebAPIException);


    [Callback=FunctionOnly, NoInterfaceObject] interface ArchiveFileSuccessCallback {
        void onsuccess(ArchiveFile archive);

    [Callback=FunctionOnly, NoInterfaceObject] interface ArchiveFileEntrySuccessCallback {
        void onsuccess(ArchiveFileEntry entry);

    [Callback=FunctionOnly, NoInterfaceObject] interface ArchiveFileEntryArraySuccessCallback {
        void onsuccess(ArchiveFileEntry[] entries);

    [Callback=FunctionOnly, NoInterfaceObject] interface ArchiveFileProgressCallback {
        void onprogress(long operationIdentifier, double value, DOMString filename);