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CAPH: Tizen TV Web UI Framework/CAPH: Tizen 电视网页UI架构

Caph is a web application framework which helps developing web apps for Tizen TV easier and faster. Impressive applications can be developed with the usage of Caph. Caph helps in accelerating animation using GPU. Besides all these features, Caph also provides a variety of UI components for Tizen TV. 
In this presentation, Be familiar with Caph and some new UI components which supports both AngularJS and jQuery. Get a chance to see a demo on how to quickly create an application with a high performing Tizen TV. 

Tizen TV: Extended Streaming Service/Tizen电视:拓展的视频流服务

Be introduced to the Open Streaming Framework and Extended A/V Related Service on Tizen TV. Learn how to implement these features and see possibilities with demonstrations. The session will include: Open Streaming Service Framework Concept, Live/VoD streaming service (OTT&IPTV) base on Gstreamer, Best practices with CP/SP, Virtual Channel Service based on hybrid App framework (Java Script VM + native library), and the New A/V services and opportunity with Tizen TV.

CAPH: Tizen TV Web UI Framework

Caph is a web application framework which helps developing web apps for Tizen TV easier and faster. Impressive applications can be developed with the usage of Caph. Caph helps in accelerating animation using GPU. Besides all these features, Caph also provides a variety of UI components for Tizen TV.
In this presentation, Be familiar with Caph and some new UI components which supports both AngularJS and jQuery. Get a chance to see a demo on how to quickly create an application with a high performaning Tizen TV.

CAPH and Utility Tools for Tizen TV SDK

Tizen TV platform is designed to let developers quickly create applications using standard technologies such as CSS, HTML5, and JavaScript. In this presentation, TaeDong Lee will provide an overview of Tizen TV SDK development environment and give guidance to developers interested in creating applications on this new platform. Subjects covered will include using the IDE, emulator, and toolchain. Additionally, special considerations for TV application development will be discussed.

Steps to Adopt Tizen to Smart TV

In the course of developing Tizen TV, we met and overcame many challenges. For example, we needed to develop new modules for TV such as broadcasting middleware and a system framework for TV devices. Furthermore, we had to accelerate the graphics stack for Full HD screen and optimize the boot time for a better user experience.
In this presentation, Semun Lee will share his experiences from the beginning of Tizen TV development. Attendees will hear a brief history of developing the new Tizen device, and learn some tips for optimizing performance for Tizen devices.
