Announcing the Tizen Studio 4.6 Release [1]
4 Comments [2], PUBLISHED
We are pleased to announce the release of Tizen Studio version 4.6
This release includes some new features and bug fixes in Tizen Studio IDE, Visual Studio Extension for
Tizen, and Visual Studio Code Extension for Tizen.
New features:
• Tizen IDE is now supported on macOS Monterey.
• Visual Studio Code Extension for Tizen is now supported on macOS Monterey.
Hybrid App Support
• Added the Multi app and Hybrid app support in CLI (TZ), VS, and VSCode extension for Tizen.
• Developers can now have multiple dependent applications of same or different types in a
single workspace and perform all app life cycle events like app creation, building, packaging,
installing, and testing.
• Added support for importing Hybrid and Multi projects in CLI (TZ), VS, and VSCode extension for Tizen.
• Added support for importing wgt (Tizen Web application package file) into Visual Studio & Visual Studio
Code Extension for Tizen.
• Please follow the guide to work with Hybrid apps in VS and VSCode extension for Tizen.
Issues fixed:
• Fixed the issue in API Checker due to which warnings were not displayed for web apps in VS
extension for Tizen.
• Fixed the error that occurred on selecting TV profile while creating a new project in VS extension
for Tizen.
• Fixed the failure to open YAML config files for native apps in VS extension for Tizen.
• Fixed the issue due to which there was no option to import Tizen TV web app projects in VS &
VSCode extension for Tizen.
• Fixed the issue in import functionality and added missing support to import wgt (Web
Application Package file) in VS & VSCode extension for Tizen.
For more information about the new features and bug fixes, see Release Notes [3].
To download Tizen Studio, visit [4].