Tizen and Robotics

In today's world much attention is being increasingly paid to the unattended computer systems with low power consumption. The scope of application includes "Internet of Things", "Smart Home", onboard navigation system for autonomous vehicles, etc. Tizen provides an easy and convenient way to create such systems. Yury Dubovoy will review a system that uses a Tizen device as a "data center" and open-source microcontroller Arduino to control the periphery. The robot "Kama-R" will be presented as a simple example to demonstrate this tecnology. "Kama-R" uses mobile device and is able to play online poker from KamaGames Studio.

Yury Dubovoy, KamaGames
Imperial B
Scheduled Time: 
수요일, 4 6월 2014 - 9:00am 에서 9:40am