With interest in web-based technologies as an alternative to traditional programming languages, app performance is often a concern for web-based platforms. Physics engine is a fundamental component of gaming frameworks, and a good candidate for acceleration through parallelization. We present Box2DOCL and Web Physics (WP). Box2DOCL is OpenCL accelerated physics engine, based on Box2D. WP implements JavaScript (JS) bindings to native physics engine, which may be Box2D or Box2DOCL. Both expose same APIs and may be used by native apps or through WP-JS APIs by web-based apps. WP-JS APIs are implemented in a Webkit-based browser. We achieve considerable performance improvement in simulation time on Tizen using OpenCL & WP-JS bindings, compared to a JS physics engine. Our motivation was to enable enhanced user experience on Tizen for gaming, physical simulation, animation & visualization.
Web Physics: A Hardware Accelerated Physics Engine for Web-Based Applications
Tasneem Brutch, Samsung
Robert (Bo) Li, Samsung
Guodong Rong, Samsung
Continental 4
Scheduled Time:
星期二, 3 六月 2014 - 从 5:30下午 到 6:10下午