Tizen Native Development - Tips to Save Time and Trouble/Tizen 本地化开发-关于节省时间和免去麻烦的建议

Tizen supports development with Web technologies and Native (Tizen Mobile). The Native API is C (thus usable from both C and C++), with many features. The UI toolkit that controls main-loop, event handling, UI and rendering is EFL, and knowing what is available and how best to use it can save you a lot of time and energy going the wrong direction. This will cover a quick overview of how this toolkit works and how best to achieve some common results whilst avoiding pitfalls. Questions will also be answered for any developers presenting any. 

Carsten Haitzler
Scheduled Time: 
星期四, 17 九月 2015 - 从 4:00下午4:50下午