Announcing Tizen Developer Contest by Intel

UPDATE: The contest winners have been announced. Thanks for your participation!

We want to hear your advice, product feedback, and experiences on writing apps for Tizen devices and build the knowledge base of members.

Post a comment to this blog related to application development for Tizen devices. To be eligible for prizes, your comment must be at least 100 words long (that’s only about the length of this section), and include one of the following:

  • A testimonial on experience developing a Tizen app
  • Recommendations and/or product improvements for future releases of Tizen and/or product improvements
  • A solution to a specific challenge in Tizen development
  • Advice or a demo on how to write an app for Tizen
  • Porting an existing app to Tizen
  • Using Tizen SDK

We will award $50 gift cards for the first 50 eligible entries, and three monthly prizes of a 480 GB SSD drive. The Grand Prize is an Intel Core* i7 desktop PC. Our judging panel of Tizen experts at Intel will be looking for technical accuracy, relevance, innovation, enthusiasm, community building/reaction, and overall quality of posts. Complete contest details can be found on the Intel website.

Privacy Statement:

Intel is committed to respecting your privacy. By commenting on this blog, you are agreeing to provide Intel with your name and email address. This information will be used only for prize distribution. If you win, Intel will ask for your permission to collect your mailing address for award delivery purposes only. Once the contest has ended and all winners’ awards have been mailed, all personal information provided to Intel will be deleted. To learn more about Intel’s privacy practices, please visit

The Fine Print:

  • Contest open to registered members of Tizen Community at
  • Contest open to participants worldwide. All national and local laws and regulations of the resident’s country of residence apply. Contest is void wherever restricted or prohibited by law.
  • No purchase necessary.
  • Entrants must be able to speak, read, and understand English.
  • Participants must be 18 years or older to enter.
  • Contest runs from 7:00 PM PACIFIC May 7, 2012 to 7:00 PM PACIFIC August 7, 2012.
  • Post must meet community and content guidelines for

Complete Rules and Terms of Contest Entry This contest is subject to the Complete Rules and Terms of Contest Entry found on the Intel website.

Comment below. We want to hear from you.