Blog Archive

July 2013

Tizen 2.2 Platform Release

We are pleased to announce that Tizen platform 2.2 source code and SDK are now available at

Tizen 2.2 contains several changes in UI and UX. Highlights of this release include:

  • H/W back key and menu key replacing S/W keys
  • Fine-grained Access Control for API privileges powered by Smack
  • IDE and tools, including secure profile UX, UI customizer and live editing/preview for CSS/HTML5 files

For more information, please refer to the release notes and the API change notes.

TDC2013 slides, audio and video

Hopefully you were able to make it to this year's Tizen Developer Conference - we had great attendees, great sessions, and great sponsors. But if you missed it (or if you were there and couldn't get to everything you wanted to see) we have posted the slides, video, and audio from the conference sessions and keynotes.

Thanks again to everyone who was involved in the conference. We had a great time and hope to see you next year!

Tizen App Challenge is now open!

Hey app developers, have we got something for you! Tizen App Challenge is now open, which is your chance to get in on over $4M of prizes for the best apps submitted to Tizen Store.

Developers can submit their certified apps to Tizen App Challenge between now and November 1st, 2013. 

Eligible submissions will be evaluated by a panel of judges, with prizes ranging from $30,000 to $200,000.  In addition, HTML5 apps are eligible for a special $50,000 award.

Getting started is easy!


Tizen 2.2 Beta SDK Release

We are pleased to announce that Tizen 2.2 Beta SDK is now available.
As a minor release, Tizen 2.2 Beta contains several changes in UI and UX such as H/W key support.

Please visit the release notes and the API change notes for more detailed information.


Downloading SDK Install Manager ( CDN )

Downloading SDK Image ( CDN )

Getting binaries and images ( CDN )

How to flash to a device