Blog Archive

July 2017

Samsung continues to improve Tizen open source code quality

From the early stages of Tizen, we have been working hard to continually enhance this open source, standards-based software platform.

Today we are using static code analysis tools to automatically discover checkpoints and help developers to investigate the quality of patched codes in a timely manner. To reinforce code analysis, we have consistently added new coding rules and potential defect checkers in our tools while the patched codes were reviewed by subject matter experts, including maintainers. In addition, our continuous integration system automatically triggers the static code analysis tools as soon as each code is committed. Moreover, we have intensively monitored open source codes and regularly patched them to enhance Tizen since the early stage of its development.

With support from Tizen developers’ community, we plan to further expand the capabilities of our analysis tools to examine codes more thoroughly while we continue to proactively propose activities and share progress across the community. We look forward to your continued active participation.

Samsung Releases 4th Preview of Visual Studio Tools for Tizen

Samsung has released the fourth preview of Visual Studio Tools for Tizen. Since announcing its collaboration with Microsoft on .NET Core and Xamarin.Forms projects last November, Samsung has steadily released preview versions of.NET support for Tizen with enriched features, such as supporting TV application development and various Visual Studio tools for Tizen.

The new key features released with the fourth preview are based on Tizen 4.0 M1 as follows:

  • Support for .NET Core 2.0 Preview 1: The fourth preview is aligned with .NET Core 2.0 Preview 1 supporting .NET Standard 2.0. For more information of .NET Core 2.0 preview 1, see the .NET blog announcement.
  • More emulator support: You can run Tizen .NET applications on the emulator without needing an actual target device. With the new release, more emulators are supported, such as x64 TV, x64 Mobile, and x86 TV.


    <Gallery App running on Mobile and TV emulators>