Tizen SDK for Wearable 1.0.0 Beta2 Release
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Tizen SDK for Wearable 1.0.0 Beta2 is now available on the SDK download page.
Tizen SDK for Wearable is a comprehensive set of tools for developing Tizen wearable applications. It consists of Tizen wearable IDE, Emulator, tool-chain, sample applications, and documentation. Tizen SDK for Wearable runs on Windows®, Ubuntu, and Mac OS® X.
More information on the release can be found here: https://developer.tizen.org/downloads/sdk/release-notes/tizen-sdk-wearable.
If developers want to develop corresponding applications with Tizen wearable applications using Samsung mobile devices, please visit Samsung Developers. (or http://developer.samsung.com/samsung-gear/)
Tizen Technical Steering Group