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Application filtering:
Specify this key, if the application supports the 320x320 resolution on the normal screen size.

You can specify multiple http://tizen.org/feature/screen.size.normal.* keys, if your application supports multiple screen resolutions on the normal screen size. However, you cannot specify keys on both screen.size.* and screen.size.normal* levels simultaneously.


Application filtering:
Specify this key, if the application supports the 360x480 resolution on the normal screen size.

You can specify multiple http://tizen.org/feature/screen.size.normal.* keys, if your application supports multiple screen resolutions on the normal screen size. However, you cannot specify keys on both screen.size.* and screen.size.normal* levels simultaneously.


Application filtering:
Specify this key, if the application requires information on the device battery.
This feature is used for both native application and Web application filtering.

System information:
The platform returns true for this key, if the device has a battery. If it is true, W3C Battery Status API, BATTERY property in SystemInfo API, and Power API must be supported.
